• 1
    Zhiyenbayev M. (2024) From Backwater to Beacon: Kazakhstan’s Identity as a Middle Power
    Kazakhstan’s newfound assertive stance as a middle power is likely to resonate across Central Asia and the Middle East, regions increasingly troubled by escalating great power rivalry. By positioning itself as a mediator and facilitator, Kazakhstan aims to foster stability and cooperation, further solidifying its role as a key player in regional and global affairs (link: EN).
  • 2
    Zhiyenbayev M. (2024) Middle Powers and the West
    “From the middle power perspective, Ukraine represents an unmitigated disaster. The devastation and suffering endured by Ukraine illustrate the dire consequences for countries that become battlegrounds in great power conflicts.” – Miras Zhiyenbayev (Senior Fellow and Head, Foreign Policy and International Studies Program, MIND Institute) explores how the West’s efforts to promote a ‘free’ world have had unintended consequences that may undermine global security (link: EN).
  • 3
    Jabbarov E. (2024) Caspian Security: Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan Partnership for Protecting Sea Lines of Communication (SLOC)
    The paper focuses on the growing partnership between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in securing the Sea Lines of Communication (SLOC) in the Caspian Sea. It highlights the importance of the Caspian region for both nations' energy exports and trade routes, particularly through the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route. The article also explores how Azerbaijan’s military capabilities and Kazakhstan’s focus on economic development and diplomacy can complement each other to ensure maritime security and address non-traditional threats in the region (link: EN).
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